The Ballarat Netball Association wish to invite workplaces from across the Central Highlands to enter teams in the Netball Workplaces Challenge, a mixed social competition to be played on Monday nights over an eight-week period.
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Active April returns to the Grampians-Pyrenees area in 2021. Active April encourages Victorians to participate in 30 minutes of physical activity a day during April
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22 – 28 March 2021 This Girl Can Week, held between 22nd- 28th March, is back and Sports Central are encouraging women of all backgrounds,
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Sports Central is excited to announce that we have partnered Tackle Your Feelings to help upskill local level coaches’ understanding of mental health.
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Sons of the West is a FREE health program for men aged 18 and over living, working and recreating in Victoria’s west. The ten-week program aims to improve men’s health and wellbeing through a series of workshops, presentations, events and experiences.
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Come and try Tennis 4 Teens! A non-competitive, stress-free, fun, social program for 12-17 year old’s.
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Carers from the Golden Plains Shire are encouraged to join a newly formed walk and talk support group, aimed at improving health and well-being whilst creating a supportive environment for like-minded people.
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Bacchus Marsh and Darley cricket clubs have teams entered into the new Gisborne DCA Women’s Competition are calling on females to get involved.
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The Woady Yaloak Football Netball Club are excited to be expanding into the cricket space in 2021, with the introduction of their new Woady Warriors Cricket Blast program.
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All Abilities introductory golf programs for juniors and adults are hitting the region this summer, brought to you by Midlands and Stawell Golf Clubs.
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