Throughout the months of August, September and early October 2021, Sports Central’s team worked in partnership with Regional Sport Victoria and seven other Regional Sports Assemblies to undertake surveys with local sporting clubs, leagues and associations.
400 surveys and conversations have occurred to date and the findings highlight the current mood of grassroots, community-based sport and recreation as they face the task of operating in a “COVID-normal” society.
This research provides insight into the current perspectives, challenges and issues facing community sporting organisations throughout regional Victoria, particularly as we move towards re-opening following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The report highlights the immediate and more pressing concerns of the sector and the need for ongoing support and guidance from both RSV, RSAs and the sector more broadly.
A final report is expected to be released in December 2021.
We wish to sincerely thank the 75+ clubs, leagues and associations from the Central Highlands who participated in this project.
The Victorian Government’s Regional Community Sports Infrastructure Fund is now open to regional Local Government Authorities, aiming to deliver new and upgraded community sports infrastructure. Local clubs and organisations are advised to contact their Local Government Authority to express interest, seek support or be involved as a partner in an application.
The Victorian Government’s Significant Sporting Events Program is now open, helping sporting, community and event organisations to deliver significant sporting events in Victoria through event assistance, event development and strategic event planning grants.