Tennis 2 Teens is a non-competitive, stress-free, fun, social program that offers 12-17 year olds activities both on and off the court.
Tennis 4 Teens is a program designed by teens, for teens and is centered around the participants having a “say” in the program activities conducted.
Sessions are held during the school term and is supported by an experienced facilitator.
We encourage all young people who want to be more active and social after school to get involved.
The Victorian Government’s Regional Community Sports Infrastructure Fund is now open to regional Local Government Authorities, aiming to deliver new and upgraded community sports infrastructure. Local clubs and organisations are advised to contact their Local Government Authority to express interest, seek support or be involved as a partner in an application.
The Victorian Government’s Significant Sporting Events Program is now open, helping sporting, community and event organisations to deliver significant sporting events in Victoria through event assistance, event development and strategic event planning grants.