The Country Football and Netball Program is delivered by Sport and Recreation Victoria in partnership with the AFL, AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria. It provides funding to Local Government Authorities to help regional football and netball clubs, associations and umpiring organisations upgrade and develop facilities in rural, regional and outer metropolitan locations.

Examples of projects eligible for funding include:

  • developing new, or redeveloping existing change rooms and pavilions to increase capacity, inclusion and safety
  • developing new, or redeveloping existing sports ovals and courts to increase capacity, inclusion and safety
  • sports lighting that improves capacity, inclusion and safety. Lighting projects may include installing new LED lighting infrastructure, or replacing non-LED lighting with LED lamps to meet lighting standards
  • projects that result in energy or water efficiency, with a direct impact on participation, such as warm-season grass conversions
  • projects that benefit multi-use outcomes where football or netball is the primary beneficiary

Applications close on Monday 30th September.

For further information click here.