Tennis 2 Teens is a non-competitive, stress-free, fun, social program that offers 12-17 year olds activities both on and off the court.
Tennis 4 Teens is a program designed by teens, for teens and is centered around the participants having a “say” in the program activities conducted.
Sessions are held during the school term and is supported by an experienced facilitator.
We encourage all young people who want to be more active and social after school to get involved.
The Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund provides funding up to $40,000 for developing quality facilities that encourage a welcoming environment for all participants, officials, volunteers and spectators. Clubs, associations, schools, councils and cricket facility managers are welcome to apply, acknowledging the important role that these partners play in providing facilities for community cricket across Australia.
Dylan Alcott Foundation grants are available year-round, helping young Australians living with a disability overcome barriers of entry to sport, gain confidence and achieve their dreams. If you’re 26 years old or younger, live with a disability, and are an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you may be eligible to apply for a grant to help achieve your sporting goals!